A special fixed average


a user wants special fixed average. first calculcates normal average of month , puts in fixed average.

now calculates averages of next months. if month average of last 7 months higher fixed average fixed average should equal month average of last month .

example :

we got months (1,2,3..) , averages (10,20,30 ..) . fixed average month (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) = 10

in month 8 there 7 months above 10 fixed average 80.

now suppose average in month 3 = 9.  in month 4 ,5,6,7, 19, 29,39,49... fixed average month 1-9 10.

in month 10,11,12,13 79 fixed average.

i hope propblem clear. how do in ssas ?


hi constantijin,

i'm confused requirement described above. please elaborate issue more detail? why want special fixed average?

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