DAX:- Requried Percentage Sum Measure for Hirarchy Levels

hi have table in tabular model

id investmentcode parent rootparent level rownumber rollupto percentage
9 aaa null 9 0 1096 null null
224 bbb 9 9 10 1097 1096 100.00%
671 ccc 224 9 60 1099 1097 75.00%
522 ddd 224 9 60 1098 1097 25.00%
818 eee 522 9 61 1100 1098 100.00%
944 fff 818 9 70 1102 1100 99.00%
943 ggg 818 9 70 1104 1100 1.00%
946 hhh 944 9 71 1106 1102 100.00%

requried  percentage sum measure  below output format 

row labels percetagemeasure
bbb 100.00%
ccc 75.00%
ddd 25.00%
. .
. .
. .

this seems rather trivial... about



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