ragged right issue in SSIS

hello every one,

i facing different issue while porting data ragged right file table using ssis.

problem there unknown value in middile of row in ragged right file not able read perticular record.

seems ended perticular position, while manually opened file , find perticular record , trying drag entire record using cursor not selected perticular position end.if use keyboard select record upto end selected,but in file showing empty space. i didn't understand why happening. ragged right files ended {lf}, suspect causes end of line , tried changing crlf lf, though not reading record , in ssis not reading next record. package executing sussfully. tried different ways read type of records changing code page 1252 ansi 65001 utf8,ebcdic in ssis, not working.

help me out on this.

thanks earlier responce.



try looking @ file advanced text editor. enable show hidden characters. see {cr}{lf} characters. maybe there strange character in there coming out of source system. 

a example of text editor showing hidden characters notepad++. google free one. handy kind of debugging.

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Integration Services


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