Paging issues when setting Table visibility.

hi all... ok using ssrs 2005.

my report has:

- chart component called main_summary (at top of body section)
- a table component called main_details (directly underneath main_summary)
- main_details table set new page appears before it.

this report has been working correctly main_summary chart being displayed on 1st page , main_details being displayed pages 2 , onwards.

*** now want give user option of geneating report will:

- show both summary , details (value = 0)
- show summary (value = 1)
- show on details (value =2)

i added parameter to prompt user wanted see , using parameter control visibility property of both main_summary , main_details.  using following experesion main_summary: 

=switch(parameters!displayflag.value = 0, false,parameters!displayflag.value = 1, false,parameters!displayflag.value = 2, true,true,false)

 * use similar expression visibility of main_details.

 my problem once add these expressions main_summary , main_details components , generate report... report generates on 1 page (instead of across 100 pages did before applying visibility expressions).


any idea on why adding expressions cause effect?









this known issue of reporting services 2005.

in rs 2005, page breaks defined on conditionally visible report items not honored (even if item visible). so, behavior design rs 2005.

in rs 2008, behavior has changed. page breaks defined on conditionally visible objects in rs 2008 honored if item visible @ runtime.

thanks understanding.

yao jie tang -microsoft online community

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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