Is this Normal? Encrypted data is still same after alter master key regenerate with new password has been executed.

hi all,

this may normal want make sure.

i have encrypted data in table. can decrypt correctly without issue. here 1 row pkid =1


i executed below steps change master key.

open master key decryption password = 'my0ldp@55word'    go        alter master key regenerate encryption password = 'mym0strecentnewp@ssword'    go.

everything executed successfully.

below  encrypted data pkid =1 


decryption working correctly.

i notice encrypted data same old key , new key. normal. expecting different pattern in encrypted data after master key change. 

thanks in advance,




encryption hierarchy

you have changed key gives access other keys.  when issue "alter master key regenerate "

the regenerate option re-creates database master key , keys protects. keys first decrypted old master key, , encrypted new master key. resource-intensive operation should scheduled during period of low demand, unless master key has been compromised.

alter master key

the other keys not changed, decrypted , re-encrypted.  data encrypted other keys does not have decrypted , re-encrypted.



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