Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.


i have etl package have ~10 data flows each within loop container.  each container loops 20 times running data flow subset of data based on customer id.  data flows pretty run of mill source shape detination shape left join avoid inserting duplicate rows. 

they run fine when run each loop container sequentially, when run them in parallel speed package, strange error dataflows.

 description: "either bof or eof true, or current record has been deleted. requested operation requires current record.".

i understand in essence means, not sure why happen in ssis package.

any great.

what purpose of having loop?

to speed processing running in parallel ought create several dfts not connected rather.

regarding error, @ these odd times when occurs typically remedied applying retainsameconnection set true:

arthur my blog

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