Return XDocument from service

i have web service:

[webmethod]public xdocument loaddata(string path)


stringbuilder resturl = new stringbuilder();

httpwebrequest restrequest;

httpwebresponse restresponse;


restrequest = (

restrequest.headers.add("authorization", "basic " + convert.tobase64string(encoding.ascii.getbytes("demo:demo")));

restresponse = (httpwebresponse)restrequest.getresponse(); stream stream = restresponse.getresponsestream();

xmlreader reader = xmlreader.create(stream);

xdocument xdoc = xdocument.load(reader); return xdoc;


 but when try view in browser (.asmx) shows me following error:

system.xml.linq.xdeclaration cannot serialized because not have parameterless constructor

what should overcome it? constructor should be? don't return custom class - xdoc - variable.

try using xmldocument system.xml instead of xdocument.

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