Can't step into WCF service from Silverlight client

i have new (virtual) windows 7, vs2008 sp1, silverlight 3 environment.  project ria app, use separate (pre-existing) wcf server other things, e.g., graphing data.  should not able step wcf service?  wcf project in same solution silverlight , silverlight.web projects.  compiled debug options turned on, , vs config'd in "debug".  have warnings turn on if no debug info available, , no warning.  doesn't stop on breakpoint.  no clues, no warnings, no break.


i've found  it's tricky debug wcf code if wcf service under different web project other main web project (the 1 has pages , silverlight link) . 

do need host wcf on different site? if yes, might better off first make wcf web project running under local iis.

1) add web application under iis point wcf web project folder.  make sure can access using url http://localhost/yourwcfsite/yourwcf.svc in browser.

2) put clientaccesspolicy.xml file under c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder allow cross-domain access.

3) add service reference silverlight project using url tested, not 1 port number: http://localhost:portnumber/yourwcf.svc

4) under vs debug menu, choose "attach process", select w3wp.exe attach. test page see if can hit break point when calling wcf code.

5) if want debug silverlight code , wcf code @ same time, can add "attach process", choose attach ie, , remember select "silverlight" in "attach to" box. can debug both code @ same time.



Silverlight  >  Accessing Web Services with Silverlight


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