Plotting a extra point on a graph

hi guys,

ok have line graph has 2 value lines each of value lines plot point every 5 minutes, want add event should show  at time value occured want label on graph( times event happened) value should match other 2 values



hi curt,

from description, “adding event” mean adding series group or adding instance current series group?

if former, afraid cannot achieved in line chart. example, current series group has 2 values: 2011 , 2012. if add series group has 2 values (europe , pacific), there 4 lines: 2011-europe, 2011-pacific, 2012-europe, , 2012-pacific. if newly added series group has 1 value, there 2 lines. in other words, there won’t 3 lines situation generated.

if latter, means database changes , series group has 3 values now. in condition, can achieve goal setting line border width , marker type conditionally. example, want hide line newly added year 2010 , display corresponding data points. steps below reference:

  1. click series in chart, open series properties window, click “border” tab.
  2. set “line width” expression below:
  3. click series in chart, expand “marker” properties pane.
  4. set “marker type” based on following expression:

the report looks this:

series properties dialog box, markers

if have questions, please feel free let me know.

mike yin

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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