The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped.

hi friends,

i unable drop user , getting below error mesage, restored db different environment/

msg 15138, level 16, state 1, line 1
database principal owns schema in database, , cannot dropped.

hallo maddy,

you'll find owners of schemata following query:

select,   sys.schemas s inner join sys.database_principals p        on	(s.principal_id = p.principal_id)

before can drop database user have drop owned schema or change owner of schema

alter authorization on schema::schemaname newowner

more details authorization here:

uwe ricken

mcitp database administrator 2005
mcitp database administrator 2008
mcitp microsoft sql server 2008, database development

db berater gmbh

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Security


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