version of sql server 2005?

i have run exec xp_msver on sql server management studio
please can tell me edition of sql server 2005 using...
is enterprise edition or express edition.
thanks in advance

1    productname    null    microsoft sql server
2    productversion    589824    9.00.1399.06
3    language    1033    english (united states)
4    platform    null    nt intel x86
5    comments    null    nt intel x86
6    companyname    null    microsoft corporation
7    filedescription    null    sql server windows nt
8    fileversion    null    2005.090.1399.00
9    internalname    null    sqlservr
10    legalcopyright    null    © microsoft corp. rights reserved.
11    legaltrademarks    null    microsoft® registered trademark of microsoft corporation. windows(tm) trademark of microsoft corporation
12    originalfilename    null    sqlservr.exe
13    privatebuild    null    null
14    specialbuild    91684864    null
15    windowsversion    170393861    5.1 (2600)
16    processorcount    1    1
17    processoractivemask    1    00000001
18    processortype    586    processor_intel_pentium
19    physicalmemory    510    510 (534757376)

try following instead:

select @@version

this should yield like:

microsoft sql server 2005 - 9.0.9038.19 (intel x86)
        jun 20 2006 15:05:26
        copyright (c) 1988-2005 microsoft corporation
        express edition on windows nt 5.1 (build 2600: service pack 2)


microsoft sql server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (intel x86)
        oct 14 2005 00:33:37
        copyright (c) 1988-2005 microsoft corporation
        developer edition on windows nt 5.2 (build 3790: service pack 1)

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