Cluster Resource Failed

hi pros,

i have error under system log clustered db servers.
cluster resource 'sql server (dbname)' in resource group 'dbname' failed. (18:06:30 event id: 1069)
the sql server agent (dbname) service terminated unexpectedly. has done 1 time(s). (18:07:01 event id: 7034)

both services auto recovered @ 18:07:16 , 18:07:17 respectively.

the cluster service brought resource group "proddb" online. (18:07:17)

under apps log, there number of errors well.
checkqueryprocessoralive: sqlexecdirect failed
[sqsrvres] printodbcerror: sqlstate = 08s01; native error = 40; message = [microsoft][sql native client]communication link failure
[sqsrvres] onlinethread: qp not online.

this first time, happens, cluster.log replaced. advice?

looks affected sql agent resource , caused whole group restart.

i'm not finding severe issue sine group has been recovered , brought online there 1 note :

- sql server agent resource not essential run engine , run scheduled jobs should configure resource not affect group.

allow resource restart few times there chance recover itself

checkqueryprocessoralive indicated check verify instance alive , failure can indicate network failure more errors in system log regarding networking issues.

hp /broadcom nics used make problems servers hosting sql server should check on took. ensure latest drives installed


please mark answer if think answers questions

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Database Engine


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