How to connect to SQL Database with C#?

hi, trying connect sql database c# program, , having following problems.

1) connects fine, other times fails connect.  using integrated security / windows login.

2) trying pass select statement (which works sql server management studio), doesn't seem work in program.  code doesn't appear really...

3) when use code generated vs, loads information datagridview, want filter using select statement.

here code generated vs:

private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e)

here code:

code snippet

private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e)
            //connect database collections table
            sqlconnection thisconnection = new sqlconnection(@"server=(local)\sqlexpress;integrated security=true;" +

            //create dataadapter object
            sqldataadapter thisadapter = new sqldataadapter("select number [#], image1 [image], title1 [title], issue1 [issue] table1 tab = 'tab1'", thisconnection);

            //create dataset contain related data tables, rows, , columns
            dataset thisdataset = new dataset();

            //fill dataset using query defined dataadapter
            thisadapter.fill(thisdataset, "collection");
            foreach (datarow therow in thisdataset.tables["collection"].rows)
                console.writeline(therow["number"] + "\t" +
                    therow["image1"] + "\t" +
                    therow["title1"] + "\t" +

            //close connection

the first thing need check connection string....


refer :


and check user /login credential



SQL Server  >  SQL Server Tools


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