Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application Code: 4004 Category: ManagedRuntimeError


i getting error on system last 14 days , unable run site on system , unable debug silver light application.

link: schoolspacemedia.tv

i have customize smf player , added method in silver light project interact web service required parms.

i getting error on system , on other system able debug code , run site using silver ight player.

for resolving issue have tried many solutions :

a.)formated system many time , reinstalled software 

b.)installed older vision of silver light 5.1.20513.0 , 5.1.40728

c.)check installed vision of wcf rai services v1.0 sp2 (4.1.62812.0)

d.)check on windows 8.1 , 10

e.)check mime type wcf service added inn iis or not .xaml,.xap,.xbap

please please me am frustrated , waiting support or help 


error :

message webpage
unhandled error in silverlight application 
code: 4004    
category: managedruntimeerror       
message: system.reflection.targetinvocationexception: [async_exceptionoccurred]


debugging resource strings unavailable. key , arguments provide sufficient information diagnose problem. see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&version=5.1.40728.00&file=system.dll&key=async_exceptionoccurred ---> system.servicemodel.communicationexception: [httpwebrequest_webexception_remoteserver]

arguments: notfound

debugging resource strings unavailable. key , arguments provide sufficient information diagnose problem. see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&version=5.1.40728.0&file=system.windows.dll&key=httpwebrequest_webexception_remoteserver ---> system.net.webexception: [httpwebrequest_webexception_remoteserver]

arguments: notfound

debugging resource strings unavailable. key , arguments provide sufficient information diagnose problem. see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&version=5.1.40728.0&file=system.windows.dll&key=httpwebrequest_webexception_remoteserver ---> system.net.webexception: [httpwebrequest_webexception_remoteserver]

arguments: notfound

debugging resource strings unavailable. key , arguments provide sufficient information diagnose problem. see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&version=5.1.40728.0&file=system.windows.dll&key=httpwebrequest_webexception_remoteserver

   at system.net.browser.browserhttpwebrequest.internalendgetresponse(iasyncresult asyncresult)

   at system.net.browser.browserhttpwebrequest.<>c__displayclassa.<endgetresponse>b__9(object sendstate)

   at system.net.browser.asynchelper.<>c__displayclass4.<beginonui>b__0(object sendstate)

   --- end of inner exception stack trace ---

   at system.net.browser.asynchelper.beginonui(sendorpostcallback beginmethod, object state)

   at system.net.browser…

internal error :

the remote server returned error: notfound.


hi devendra_sipl,

>>yes right working on machines not others

since problem working on machines not others, think there may difference computer environment between computers.

i suggest check computer environment first, such firewall, to make sure there same. including check network in computers.

best regards,

Silverlight  >  Accessing Web Services with Silverlight


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