merge replication emails

we have many customers using merge replication on either sql 2005 or sql 2008. setup publisher if replication stops (the publication gets error - red x in replication monitor) can receive email can connect , @ it.

i haven't found documentation describing how that. point me in right direction?


this prove exceptionally noisy.

i query msrepl_errors , send out recent errors me. here have done.

  use [msdb] go /****** object:  job [replication errors]    script date: 07/28/2009 10:06:31 ******/ begin transaction declare @returncode int select @returncode = 0 /****** object:  jobcategory [[uncategorized (local)]]]    script date: 07/28/2009 10:06:31 ******/ if not exists (select name from msdb.dbo.syscategories where name=n'[uncategorized (local)]' and category_class=1) begin exec @returncode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_category @class=n'job', @type=n'local', @name=n'[uncategorized (local)]' if (@@error <> 0 or @returncode <> 0) goto quitwithrollback  end  declare @jobid binary(16) exec @returncode =  msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name=n'replication errors',  		@enabled=1,  		@notify_level_eventlog=0,  		@notify_level_email=0,  		@notify_level_netsend=0,  		@notify_level_page=0,  		@delete_level=0,  		@description=n'no description available.',  		@category_name=n'[uncategorized (local)]',  		@owner_login_name=n'repl', @job_id = @jobid output if (@@error <> 0 or @returncode <> 0) goto quitwithrollback /****** object:  step [replication errors]    script date: 07/28/2009 10:06:32 ******/ exec @returncode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobid, @step_name=n'replication errors',  		@step_id=1,  		@cmdexec_success_code=0,  		@on_success_action=1,  		@on_success_step_id=0,  		@on_fail_action=2,  		@on_fail_step_id=0,  		@retry_attempts=0,  		@retry_interval=0,  		@os_run_priority=0, @subsystem=n'tsql',  		@command=n' declare @tablehtml  nvarchar(max) ;  set @tablehtml = n''<style type="text/css">h2, body {font-family: arial, verdana;} table{font-size:11px; border-collapse:collapse;} td{background-color:#f1f1f1; border:1px solid black; padding:3px;} th{background-color:#99ccff;}</style>'' + n''<h2>replication failures</h2>'' + n''<table border="1">'' + n''<tr><th>publisher</th><th>publication</th><th>subscriber name</th><th>error message</th><th>time</th><th>name</th><th>profile id</th>'' +          cast ( ( select td = srvname,       '''',                     td = publication, '''',                     td = subscriber_name, '''',                     td = comments, '''',                     td = time, '''',                     td = name, '''', 					td = profile_id, '''' 				 distribution.dbo.msmerge_history mh join distribution.dbo.msmerge_agents  ma on join sys.sysservers  s on s.srvid=publisher_id error_id <>0 , time>getdate()-3 order 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 xml path(''tr''), type     ) nvarchar(max) ) +     n''</table>'' ;  exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients=''; '',     @subject = ''replication failures'',     @body = @tablehtml, 	@profile_name=''mail'',     @body_format = ''html'' ;  ',  		@database_name=n'master',  		@flags=0 if (@@error <> 0 or @returncode <> 0) goto quitwithrollback exec @returncode = msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = @jobid, @start_step_id = 1 if (@@error <> 0 or @returncode <> 0) goto quitwithrollback exec @returncode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule @job_id=@jobid, @name=n'replication errors',  		@enabled=1,  		@freq_type=4,  		@freq_interval=1,  		@freq_subday_type=8,  		@freq_subday_interval=4,  		@freq_relative_interval=0,  		@freq_recurrence_factor=0,  		@active_start_date=20080603,  		@active_end_date=99991231,  		@active_start_time=0,  		@active_end_time=235959 if (@@error <> 0 or @returncode <> 0) goto quitwithrollback exec @returncode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_id = @jobid, @server_name = n'(local)' if (@@error <> 0 or @returncode <> 0) goto quitwithrollback commit transaction goto endsave quitwithrollback:     if (@@trancount > 0) rollback transaction endsave:    

looking book on sql server 2008 administration? looking book on sql server 2008 full-text search?

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Replication


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