AggregateFunction=Null conflict with Parent-Children Dimension
i report strange thing. in parent-children dimension, if set aggregatefunction=null, can not select fact value associate the leaf-member. whenever select, null back.
please simple test this:
1. prepare fact table:
create table [dbo].[minitest](
[tableid] [bigint] not null,
[agentkey] [bigint] not null,
[factvalue] [real] null,
[sexkey] [bigint] null,
constraint [pk_minitest] primary key clustered
[tableid] asc
)with (pad_index = off, ignore_dup_key = off) on [primary]
) on [primary]
2.prepare 2 dimension table:
dimension a:
create table [dbo].[olapagentdim](
[olapkey] [bigint] not null,
[fatherkey] [bigint] null,
[maindemoname] [nvarchar](50) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null,
[sourcekey] [varchar](50) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null,
[starttime] [datetime] null,
[endtime] [datetime] null,
[edittime] [datetime] null,
constraint [pk_agentdim] primary key clustered
[olapkey] asc
)with (pad_index = off, ignore_dup_key = off) on [primary]
) on [primary]
dimension b:
create table [dbo].[olapsexdim](
[olapkey] [bigint] not null,
[sourcekey] [varchar](50) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null,
[maindemoname] [varchar](50) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null,
constraint [pk_olapsexdim] primary key clustered
[olapkey] asc
)with (pad_index = off, ignore_dup_key = off) on [primary]
) on [primary]
3.insert data dimentiontable , facttable.
insert olapagentdim (olapkey, fatherkey,maindemoname) value (1,2,"drick")
insert olapagentdim (olapkey, fatherkey,maindemoname) value (2,null,2)
insert olapsexdim (olapkey, sourcekey,maindemoname) value (1,null,1)
insert olapsexdim (olapkey, sourcekey,maindemoname) value (2,null,2)
insert minitest(tableid, agentkey,sexkey,factvalue) value (1,1,1,123)
4.produce a father-children dimension based on dimentiontable a: olapagentdim default property set.
5.produce a dimension based on dimentiontable b: olapsexdim default property set.
6.produce cube based on facttable :minitest default property set. add 2 dimensions conect cube.
7 set measure factvalue's aggregatefunction = none.
8.process object.
now see problem.
problem: see more clearly, i only add dimension cube. explorer tab.
3.drag factvaue measure data field, , drag dimension a's child-member row field(it's "drick").now can see factvalue in data field=null. infact, null drag dimension.why?
could please reproduce it?
anyone help?
SQL Server > SQL Server Analysis Services
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