B2 webservice crashes after update

i've got issue web service updates/changes in sl2b2 

each time make changes webservice or clicl update webservice error:

could not find default endpoint element references contract 'mtsl.dataaccessservice.dataaccessservicesoap' in servicemodel client configuration section. might because no configuration file found application, or because no endpoint element matching contract found in client element.

when compare reference.vb fils before , after update see changes made (i guess has b2):

        private onbeginopendelegate beginoperationdelegate
        private onendopendelegate endoperationdelegate
        private onopencompleteddelegate system.threading.sendorpostcallback
        private onbeginclosedelegate beginoperationdelegate
        private onendclosedelegate endoperationdelegate
        private onclosecompleteddelegate system.threading.sendorpostcallback
        public sub new()
        end sub
        public sub new(byval endpointconfigurationname string)
        end sub
        public sub new(byval endpointconfigurationname string, byval remoteaddress string)
            mybase.new(endpointconfigurationname, remoteaddress)
        end sub
        public sub new(byval endpointconfigurationname string, byval remoteaddress system.servicemodel.endpointaddress)
            mybase.new(endpointconfigurationname, remoteaddress)
        end sub

        public event opencompleted system.eventhandler(of system.componentmodel.asynccompletedeventargs)
        public event closecompleted system.eventhandler(of system.componentmodel.asynccompletedeventargs)

and guess reason app crashing
ideas should new methods added?


nop... did'nt found post fixed problem


thanka anway smile

Silverlight  >  Programming Silverlight with .NET – General


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