conversion in ssis

hi every 1 need write below exp in ssis condition how possible .in this  (pst_prd_strt_dt) numeric .

i tryed using (dt_date)((dt_str,250,1252)pst_prd_end_dt) == calendar_dt ? fiscal_period_sid_tmp : -1

but giving error [ssis.pipeline] warning: output column "calendar_year" (32) on output "ole db source output" (11) , component "ole db source" (1) not subsequently used in data flow task. removing unused output column can increase data flow task performance.
tried increasing length of out put column also 

qus:if( todate(tochar(pst_prd_strt_dt), 'yyyymmdd') = calendar_dt, fiscal_period_sid_tmp,  -1)

thx regards dinesh vv

hi dinesh vv,

suggest you adding error flow redirection redirect failed row processing path using error output, , can see why data flow task failed, more details how handle error in data flow, please refer following link:

handling errors in data flow:


SQL Server  >  SQL Server Integration Services


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