How to create Satellite assembly from code?


i have .net project. have resx files.

i need write method generates satellite assembly (targeting silverlight).

can me on this?

thanks in advance help..




the question how use satellite assemblies silverlight, means how localize silverlight applications:


the .net framework silverlight uses hub-and-spoke model package , deploy resources. hub main assembly contains nonlocalizable executable code , resources single culture, called neutral or default culture. default culture fallback culture application. represents region-neutral language such "en" if default language english or "fr" if default language french. spokes connect satellite assemblies, , each satellite assembly contains resources single supported culture, not contain code. @ run time, resource loaded appropriate resource file, depending on value of application's current user interface (ui) culture, defined cultureinfo.currentuiculture property.


the primary reference discussion is:


this reference covers deploying targeted localized version, , how retrieve specific localized version. please review see section of above reference contains links following subjects:


how to: add resources silverlight-based application

how to: make xaml content localizable

how to: combine localizable strings @ run time

how to: make rich text strings localizable

how to: make non-string values localizable

how to: make non-dependency properties localizable

how to: make properties localizable static resources

how to: localize information out-of-browser application

how to: create build targets specific culture

Silverlight  >  Visual Studio & Silverlight Development Tools


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