Stacked Bar chart does not overlap series

i have stacked bar chart values "invoiced" , "budget" , 2 categories year , month - problem bar chart shows values invoiced , budget in top of each other , not overlapping each other . ex:

now:  invoiced =  200   budget = 300   - bar chart shows column of 500 month (not correct)

what want is show 1 column each month 200 colour green , 200 300 colour blue example....

how achieve ?

hi hcmj,

by default, bar value not overlapping each other in stacked bar chart, , cannot increase or decrease gap between series in reporting services.

based on research, find workaround can achieve requirement, please refer steps below:

  1. create dataset query below (sample data):
    create table #temp(name nvarchar(50),time nvarchar(50),value int)
    insert #temp values     ('invoiced','year',100),('invoiced','month',200),('budget','month',300),('budget','year',600)
    select * from  #temp
  2. insert time field category groups pane, , change group name “time”.
  3. insert value field values pane, change value below:
  4. insert field following expression values pane:
  5. change type of chart stacked bar chart range bar chart.
  6. right-click series field change fill color #9bff8c00 (darkorange 155 transparency) or color transparency like. can following:
  7. preview , following result:

if there other questions, please feel free ask.

katherine xiong

katherine xiong
technet community support

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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