WHERE Clause with multiple conditions?

i have sql query  needs run depending on 2 criterias no , code.  code works no field. can help  need add version code statement work.  text field

private sub cmdrevise_click()
dim db dao.database
dim strsql string


set db = currentdb()

strsql = "delete tbltempmaster"
db.execute strsql, dbfailonerror

strsql = "insert tbltempmaster select * tblmaster [bom no] = '" & me.bom_no & "'"
db.execute strsql, dbfailonerror

docmd.openform "frmbomform"
end sub

i not sure if it's mean, can combine conditions in clause , like

strsql = "insert tbltempmaster select * tblmaster [bom no] = '" & me.bom_no & "' and code = '" & yourcodevar & "'"

olaf helper

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