Best way to add a column to a large table

hi - i want add not null column existing table, table looks this:


create table [data].[factdata](
 [timeid] [smallint] not null,
 [dateid] [int] not null,
 [actualtimestamp] [datetime] not null,
 [objectid] [int] not null,
 [datavalue] [float] null,
 [headerid] [int] not null,
 [threshold] [float] null,
 [daylightoffset] [tinyint] not null,
 [missingdata] [tinyint] not null,
 constraint [pk_factdata] primary key clustered
 [headerid] asc,
 [objectid] asc,
 [dateid] asc,
 [timeid] asc
)with (pad_index  = off, statistics_norecompute  = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks  = on, allow_page_locks  = on) on [factdataps]([dateid])
) on [factdataps]([dateid])

and want run:


alter table data.factdata

add plannedoutage tinyint not null

constraint addploutdflt default 0


to add additional column......


the thing there gazillion rows in table - 1,100,000,000 rows anyway (which close gazzilion)


the statement takes hours & hours & log gets huge & fails on log error, fix problem & have start on (sigh).


is there better way without making log huge?? (simple recovery @ mo')


i tempted create new table new definition & copy data accross in batches & drop original table & rename new 1 wondered if there better way???


its on dev system don't have worry dropping db single user or locking db hours on end must keep data!


i can't think missing - can advise best way this??



try this:


1. rename tablex oldtablex


code snippet
select *, newcolumn=convert(tinyint,0) tablex oldtablex



3. apply indexes, constraints, defaults, etc.



let know if works you.



SQL Server  >  SQL Server Database Engine


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