compare row data

how go comparing row values?

lets have report has 2 records paricular id. need compare values , put visual cue.

there group based on id , in background color section have tried these


countdistinct,"table1_feed_code") = 1, "white", "red")


max,"table1_feed_code") = runningvalue(fields!fieldqualifier.value,min,"table1_feed_code"), "white", "red")


the odd thing seems work purely text fields...but of cells contain data \t, or " or 2 or ,


but seem work.


you can add 2 calculated fields usage instead of original fields recorddelimiter , fieldqualifier, , replace special character regular ones in the expression of calculcated fields' value, i.e. =iif(fields!fielddelimiter.value = "/t","slasht",fields!fielddelimiter.value). in color expression, convert numeric character string using str this: =str(fields!myfield.value).

hope helpfully,


SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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