Implementing view-model and binding to grid


i new mvvm. using mvvm light tool kit.

i trying create simple silverlight application displays products in gridview.

can guide me on how to

  1. consume wcf service in mvvm light
  2. what changes should make in viewmodel , viewmodellocator collection of data wcf service.
  3. how bind data gridview in mainpage.xaml
below code have implimented,
using galasoft.mvvmlight; using nyntraonlineshopping.nyntraservicereference; using system.collections.objectmodel;  namespace nyntraonlineshopping.viewmodel {     public class mainviewmodel : viewmodelbase     {         readonly nyntraserviceclient _clientcontext = new nyntraserviceclient();                  private observablecollection<product> _products = new observablecollection<product>();          public observablecollection<product> products         {             { return _products; }             set { _products = value; }         }                 public mainviewmodel()         {                         _clientcontext.getallproductscompleted += clientcontextgetallproductscompleted;         }          void clientcontextgetallproductscompleted(object sender, getallproductscompletedeventargs e)         {             _clientcontext.getallproductsasync();         }     } }
namespace nyntraonlineshopping.viewmodel {         public class viewmodellocator     {         static viewmodellocator()         {             servicelocator.setlocatorprovider(() => simpleioc.default);              if (viewmodelbase.isindesignmodestatic)             {                 simpleioc.default.register<inyntraservice, nyntraserviceclient>();             }             else             {                 simpleioc.default.register<inyntraservice, nyntraserviceclient>();             }              simpleioc.default.register<mainviewmodel>();         }         [system.diagnostics.codeanalysis.suppressmessage("microsoft.performance",             "ca1822:markmembersasstatic",             justification = "this non-static member needed data binding purposes.")]         public mainviewmodel main         {                         {                 return servicelocator.current.getinstance<mainviewmodel>();             }         }                [system.diagnostics.codeanalysis.suppressmessage("microsoft.performance",             "ca1822:markmembersasstatic",             justification = "this non-static member needed data binding purposes.")]         public productviewmodel product         {                         {                 return servicelocator.current.getinstance<productviewmodel>();             }         }                 public static void cleanup()         {         }     } }
and mainpage.xaml
<usercontrol xmlns:telerik=""  x:class="nyntraonlineshopping.mainpage"              xmlns=""              xmlns:x=""              xmlns:d=""              xmlns:mc=""              mc:ignorable="d"              height="300"              width="300"              datacontext="{binding source={staticresource locator}, path=viewmodelname}">                    <usercontrol.resources>         <resourcedictionary>             <resourcedictionary.mergeddictionaries>                 <resourcedictionary source="skins/mainskin.xaml" />             </resourcedictionary.mergeddictionaries>         </resourcedictionary>     </usercontrol.resources>      <grid x:name="layoutroot">          <telerik:radgridview itemssource="{binding products}" autogeneratecolumns="true" >                      </telerik:radgridview>            </grid> </usercontrol> 
i not getting errors. not getting result aswell.

public mainviewmodel() {     _clientcontext.getallproductscompleted += clientcontextgetallproductscompleted;     _clientcontext.getallproductsasync(); }  void clientcontextgetallproductscompleted(object sender, getallproductscompletedeventargs e) {     if (e.error == null)     {         return;     }      foreach (product item in e.result)     {         products.add(item);     } }

Silverlight  >  MVVM / ViewModel Pattern with Silverlight


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