Issue in subtracting 2 times , i need to get result in hh:mm:ss format

hi guys,

 this query

  select convert(varchar(12), dateadd(ms, datediff(ms,'24:00' , '27:1' ), 0), 114)

 i facing error : conversion failed when converting date and/or time character string.

 i need result in hh:mm:ss format

 please me out on issue.

 thank you,



the error comes '24:00' & '27:1'. must date or time types.

here's solution:

declare @start time; declare @end time; declare @null time; set @start = '09:06:00'; set @end = '21:27:00'; set @null = '00:00:00'; select convert(varchar(8),dateadd(ms, datediff(ms, @start,@end ), @null), 114)

this solution inspired link:

please click "mark answer" if post helped.

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Express


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