Idiots Guide to moving a Project from one Collection to another

hi guys,

i want preface stating i'm not developer , barely passingly familiar how developers use msdn, answers may need bit dumbed down. apologies, job has kind of scope creeped until i'm operating @ edge of knowledge.

i work business has been using visual sourcesafe 6 since forever, , decided switch tfs 2010. managed use vssconverter upload projects tfs. @ time our developers kind of using both, , didn't want upload collection in use in case of name conflict. created new collection , uploaded source safe projects that.

a few weeks after i'd finished doing that, 1 of developers approached me , asked build controller assigned second collection. big problem me. don't have resources second build controller server, , apparently can't use 1 build controller across 2 collections nor have 2 build controllers per server. cherry on top if apparently difficult move data 1 collection , still maintain source control/history.

i have been trying few things, , tfs integration tool looks right thing using, i'm having trouble finding walkthrough on task. used version history , work item config file, set source project , destination project. had create destination project, of course created sort of template file in destination generated namespace errors. manually resolved , looked migration completed. destination project didn't receive of data source. can guess, i'm shooting in dark this. if knows how can move data including history 1 collection on same server, or if knows how build controller handle 2 collections, appreciate it.

hi bsafh,

thanks post!

moving team projects with all data including history between collections not supported out of box. can refer of available alternates in following thread:

for if the build controller can handle 2 collections, think no, in build sever properties(from team foundation server administration console->build configuration->properies under build service), can connect 1 tea project collection.

hope helps!

best regards,

cathy kong [msft]
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