Convert Activex Scripts to VB / C# Script tast for SQL2008

i converting sql 2005 server 2008.  have old active x script need convert script task ssis...

i not familar vb/c# scripting not know how convert use in 2008.

when run receive error " an error occurred while adding managed ssis type library script host. verify dts 2000 runtime installed".  believe want avoid invoking legacy functionality converting scripts @ point better.

'********************************************************************** '  visual basic activex script '**********************************************************************  function main() 	dim strto 	dim strcc 	dim strsubject 	dim strbody  	'construct subject , body , set attachment path 	strsubject = "validation #" + cstr(dtsglobalvariables("val_id").value) + " (" + cstr(dtsglobalvariables("errorcount").value) + "): " + dtsglobalvariables("val_name") 	strbody = "description:<br />" + vbcrlf + replace(dtsglobalvariables("val_dscr").value, "''", "'") + vbcrlf + vbcrlf + "<br /><br />suggestions:<br />" + vbcrlf + replace(dtsglobalvariables("val_web_notes").value, "''", "'") 	strattachmentpath = dtsglobalvariables("fileattachmentpath").value  	'construct address lists depending on if there errors 	if dtsglobalvariables("errorcount").value = 0 		strto = dtsglobalvariables("emailaddynoerrorsto").value 		strcc = dtsglobalvariables("emailaddynoerrorscc").value 	else 		strto = dtsglobalvariables("emailaddyerrorsto").value 		strcc = dtsglobalvariables("emailaddyerrorscc").value 	end if  	'if there's send email to, so. 	if len(strto) > 0 		call sendsmtpemail(strto, strcc, strsubject, strbody, strattachmentpath) 	end if  	main = dtstaskexecresult_success end function   '*********************************************************************************************************************************************************** 'this function sends email '*********************************************************************************************************************************************************** function sendsmtpemail(toaddresses, ccaddresses, subjecttext, bodytext, attachmentpath)   	dim imsg 	dim iconf 	dim flds 	 	const cdosendusingport = 2 	 	set imsg = createobject("cdo.message") 	set iconf = createobject("cdo.configuration") 	set flds = iconf.fields 	 	with flds 		.item("") = cdosendusingport 		.item("") = "" 		.item("") = 10 		.update 	end 	 	with imsg 		set .configuration = iconf 		.to = toaddresses 		.cc = ccaddresses 		.from = "" 		.subject = subjecttext '		.textbody = bodytext 		.htmlbody = bodytext 		.addattachment (attachmentpath) 		.send 	end 	 	set imsg = nothing 	set iconf = nothing 	set flds = nothing  end function


it looks not need scripts in ssis 2008.

you can use of of box send email task , define logic within tasks expressions.

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Integration Services


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