Need advice on Dimensional Usage

i have following table relationships in database , need advice on dimensional usage - please advice.

one fact table - fact monthly cost  related tables dim_chargecode , dim_date
dim_chargecode related dim_project skprojectid ( 1 project can have one or many charge codes)
dim_project related dim_projectportfolio skprojectportfolioid ( 1 project portfolio can have 1 or many projects)
dim_projectportfolio related dim_taskorder sktaskorderid ( 1 taskorder can have 1 many project portfolio's)
dim_contract related dim_taskorder skcontractid (one contract can have 1 or many task orders)
dim_contractgroup related dim_contract skcontractgroupid ( 1 contract group can have 1 or many contracts)
dim_programgroup related dim_contractgroup skcontractgroupid ( 1 program has 1 or many contract groups)

other tables dim_employee , dim_employee detail

dim_employeedetail related dim_programgroup table , dim_programgroup related dim_chargecode table. charge code table 1 directly related fact table. how can form dimensional usage between dim employee detail , fact_monthlycost.

dim_employee related dim_employeedetail through skemployeeid.

it great if 1 can me designing dimensional usage.








yes. right. try building regular many many dimensions mentioned above. rest of snowflacked dimensions, can try considering collapsing them 1 charge code dimensions attribute other dimensions. way don't have create relative dimensions other attributes charge code program group can derive charge code dimension itself. improve query performance too.

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Analysis Services


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