Percentage of Row Total Calculation

i'm having issue "show % of row total" option in pivot table.  when turn on option, value correct however, when go multiply %age by "2013 budget", the calculation wrong  ie instead of multipying 100,000 * 10%, the calculation is multiplying 100,000 *10,000   .  2013 budget coming seperate table (previous yr measure comes sales table) has relationship.  have topline budget figure entire want "spread" using values % of row total (based on sales month prior year).

i have [previous yr] in pt which defined calculate( dimdate[current yr]( dateadd(dimdate[datekey], -1, year)) ).  left no calculation.  created [budget pct] measure defined =[previous yr] , "showed as" % of row total, , added pt.  i've tried using calculate in different context no luck

i got measure work:

[previous yr]   /  calculate( sum( sales[amt]) , datesbetween(dimdate[datekey], date(2012,01,01), date(2012,12,31) ) )

and applied "2013 budget" , seemed , work until started add more levels of granularity to the row labels...

my "accounts" , "brands" fine however, when add "sales reps" , "stores" when start #'s dont want.  not sure should here....should there calculation against parent row these????

my pivot table on left , "budget" on right.  "budget" year value..

SQL Server  >  Power Pivot


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