I am not able to send Database mail over TLS 1.2 in SQL server 2012


we upgraded our internal mail server tls 1.2 yesterday security concern. upgraded our sql server 2012 (web edition) latest sp3 -cu5 11.0.6544.0 (x64) support tls 1.2 sending mail database mail.  not able send mail db mail profile (profile has our internal mail server credentials , on tls 1.2 only)

after lot of research on microsoft blogs, did changes on registry follows:

[hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\securityproviders\schannel\protocols\tls 1.2]  [hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\securityproviders\schannel\protocols\tls 1.2\client] "disabledbydefault"=dword:00000000 "enabled"=dword:00000001  [hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\securityproviders\schannel\protocols\tls 1.2\server] "disabledbydefault"=dword:00000000 "enabled"=dword:00000001 

still no luck.

after applied hot-fix "sql11_sp3_gdr__tls_x86" ((sp3-gdr) (kb3125246) - 11.0.6216.27 (x64) jan 11 2016 18:22:37). unable send mails form our internal server upgraded tls 1.2.

we getting below error:

message mail not sent recipients because of mail server failure. (sending mail using account 2 (2016-09-23t10:51:35). exception message: cannot send mails mail server. (failure sending mail.).

note: earlier used tls 1.0 , tls 1.1, able send db mail 1.0 , 1.1 versions. 


microsoft sql server 2012 (sp3-gdr) (kb3125246) - 11.0.6216.27 (x64)

                jan 11 2016 18:22:37

                copyright (c) microsoft corporation

                web edition (64-bit) on windows nt 6.2 <x64> (build 9200: ) (hypervisor)

                windows server 2012

please me in this. 

as discussed on facebook thread, please open support case exchange team.

balmukund lakhani
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author: sql server 2012 alwayson - paperback, kindle

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