Need to add $ symbol in the amount column

hi all,

i need add $ symbol in 1 of value column in ssrs report.(ssrs 2008 r2).

but , problem $ should left aligned , value should right aligned.  if value 0 $ has display left aligned below "$                0".

can 1 suggest me done.

thanks n advance.

bala krishna

hi balakrishna141,

based on description, want add “$” amount in 1 textbox, the”$” align left of textbox , amount align right of textbox, right?

i have tested on local environment , find there limitation of using html , mentioned solution provided visakh16 have little problem, ,we can use method creating rectangle(the rectangle should same size cell of table) , put 2 textboxes (textbox1 put value of “$”,textbox2 put value of amount) in , replace [amount] textbox rectangle, set properties of both textbox(textbox1:textalign=left, textbox2:textalign=right)

details steps below reference:

  1. create rectangle , place 2 textboxes inside rectangle
  2. in first text, put $ , right align it
  3. in second textbox, put value of amount , left align it

make sure width of first textbox1 less has accommodate $ symbol , give more width second textbox2 of amount

similar thread reference:

if still have question, please feel free ask.

vicky liu

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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