When I hide the item that toggles the visibility of other items, those items are hidden too.

i'm having issue in reporting services. detail rows shown, visibility can toggled group header. group header in totals row above detail lines. works fine, i'd conditionally hide group header , not group if parameter set.

my group set group on expression =iif(parameters!showgroup.value, fields!group.value, ""). instead of showing row header column left of data fields want shown above fields appear this:

col1 col2 col3

group heading 1

val1 val2 val3

val1 val2 val3

to this, right-click details row group , insert totals row above. can set expression of text box show group value. set visibility of detail row show , set "display can toggle report item" , select group heading text box.

the problem when set row visibility of "group heading" row show or hide based on expression not(parameters!showgroup.value). when set parameter false, group row hides, hides detail rows well. though oddly still show first detail row. if export data excel, exports rows they're collapsed , there's duplicate of first row @ end of collapsed group.

any appreciated, though seems it's bug.

hi, can try set visibility of group grouping pane instead of row visibility.

regards, leo

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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