Execute SQL Task: Cannot assign value to the variable

declare     @partitiondate varchar(8),    @date int select     @partitiondate = max(partitiondate)   partitionlog (nolock)   select     @date = min(datekey) dimdate cast(datekey varchar(8)) > @partitiondate   if not convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112) = @partitiondate  select @partitiondate = cast(datekey varchar(8)) dimdate (nolock) datekey = @date   select @partitiondate partitiondate , 'iisdw_' + @partitiondate  partitionname go

i have above sql stmt in excute sql task , declared 2 variable "partitiondate" , "partitionname" in package, result set hav given "single row" , when run etl error as 

[execute sql task] error: error occurred while assigning value variable "partitiondate": "exception hresult: 0xc0015005".

does package variable datatype match datatype of parameter?

is package variable assigned parameter in task editor?

and parameter name in task editor match parameter names in stored procedure?

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Integration Services


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