How can I check core compile of the Build was successful?


i using afterdropbuild target custom actions copy compiled output iis mapped folder.

this looks something like this:

code snippet

<target name="afterdropbuild">

   <makedir directories="$(sourcelocation)\servicesweb\log" />


   <!-- copy published files to iis folder -->

   <createitem include="$(binariesroot)\debug\_publishedwebsites\servicesweb\**\*.*" >

     <output itemname="filestocopypublished" taskparameter="include" />


   <copy sourcefiles="@(filestocopypublished)" destinationfiles="@(filestocopypublished->'$(sourcelocation)  \servicesweb\%(recursivedir)%(filename)%(extension)')" />




now thinking worst case - having solution in source control not compileable.

if case iis website not run anymore, because afterdropbuild fired , bad files copied directory.


so - how can check, core compile of team build succesful , stop afterdropbuild target?


thanks lot answers,


hi peter,


sorry, may case if using whidbey (2005) version of team build. buildbreak should set correctly in our orcas release. if buildbreak not work, should able override beforeonbuildbreak , add own custom property check. in example below, create property called buildfailed , set true.


code snippet

<target name="beforeonbuildbreak">

     <createproperty value="true">

        <output taskparameter="value" propertyname="buildfailed" />




<target name="afterdropbuild" condition=" '$(buildfailed)'!='true' ">





let me know if works you.




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