The notification could not be formatted.

i've developed custom formatter component transform complex xml documents, , following error when trying use it:

  the notification not formatted.
 <distributor id>1</distributor id>
 <distributor name>nhsddist1</distributor name>
 <distributor work item id>4</distributor work item id>
 <notification id>7</notification id>
  request permission of type, mscorlib, version=1.0.3300.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089 failed.
distributorname: nhsddist1

after extensive googling, i'm still pretty none wiser.

the dll created using v1.0.3705, which, i'm guessing @ root of problem.

i've included dll code, think possibly has bearing too.

using system;
using system.collections;
using system.collections.specialized;
using system.globalization;
using system.text;
using system.xml;
using system.xml.xsl;
using system.xml.xpath;
using microsoft.sqlserver.notificationservices;
using microsoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.common;

namespace contentformatter
 public class complextransformation : icontentformatter
  private bool initialised;

  private string xsltbasedirectorypath;
  private string xsltfilename;

  private string xmlbasedirectorypath;
  private string xmlfilename;

  private bool digest;
  private bool disableescaping;
  private nsotherlogger logger;

  public complextransformation()

  public complextransformation(string instancename)
   this.xsltbasedirectorypath = null;
   this.xsltfilename = null;

   this.xmlbasedirectorypath = null;
   this.xmlfilename = null;
   this.initialised = false;
   this.disableescaping = false;

   string logtext = nsstringresource.getlocalestring(nslocalestringenum.xsltformattercomponentname);
   this.logger = new nsotherlogger(instancename, logtext);


  public void initialize(stringdictionary arguments, bool digest)
   if (!this.initialised)
    if (!arguments.containskey("xsltfilename"))
     throw new nsexception(nseventenum.xsltfilenametagmissing);
    if (!arguments.containskey("xsltbasedirectorypath"))
     throw new nsexception(nseventenum.xsltbasedirectorypathtagmissing);

    if (!arguments.containskey("xmlfilename"))
     throw new nsexception("input xml path tag missing");
    if (!arguments.containskey("xmlbasedirectorypath"))
     throw new nsexception("input xml base directory path tag missing");

    this.xsltbasedirectorypath = arguments["xsltbasedirectorypath"];
    this.xsltfilename = arguments["xsltfilename"];
    this.xmlbasedirectorypath = arguments["xmlbasedirectorypath"];
    this.xmlfilename = arguments["xmlfilename"];

    if (arguments.containskey("disableescaping"))
      this.disableescaping = bool.parse(arguments["disableescaping"]);
     catch (exception exception1)
      nseventparameters parameters1 = new nseventparameters();
      parameters1.addparameter(nseventparamenum.xsltdisableescapingvalue, arguments["disableescaping"]);
      throw new nsexception(nseventenum.xsltdisableescapingvalueinvalid, parameters1, exception1);
    this.digest = digest;
    this.initialised = true;

  public string formatcontent(string subscriberlocale, string devicetypename, recipientinfo recipientinfo, hashtable[] rawcontent)
   string xmllocation = this.xmlbasedirectorypath + this.xmlfilename;
   string xsltlocation = this.xsltbasedirectorypath + this.xsltfilename;
   string outputxhtml = null;
    outputxhtml = this.transform(xmllocation,xsltlocation);
   catch (exception formatexception)
    nsexception thrownexception = formatexception nsexception;
    if (thrownexception == null)
     thrownexception = new nsexception(nseventenum.xsltformatterunknownerror, formatexception);
    throw thrownexception;
   return outputxhtml;

  private void rendervariables(string variable)
   // create writer , open file
   textwriter tw = new streamwriter(@"c:\dump.txt");

   // write line of text file

   // close stream

  public void close()

  public string transform(string xmlpath, string xslpath)
   string nullstring = null;

   xpathdocument xpathdocument;   
   xsltransform xsltrans;
   // create output stream
   stringbuilder docstringbuilder;
   textwriter doctextwriter = null;   
    // read xml
    xpathdocument = new xpathdocument(xmlpath);
    // create new xsltransform object.
    xsltrans = new xsltransform();
    // load stylesheet.
    // create output stream
    docstringbuilder = new stringbuilder();
    doctextwriter = new stringwriter(docstringbuilder);

   catch (xsltexception transformexception)
    nseventparameters eventparameters = new nseventparameters();
    eventparameters.addparameter(nseventparamenum.xslttransformfile, nullstring);
    throw new nsexception(nseventenum.xsltinvalidtransform, eventparameters, transformexception);

   // push result
   return docstringbuilder.tostring();       


any idea on resolution?


SQL Server  >  SQL Server Notification Services


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