Variables in Script Component
hi guys,
i have code writes on 3 variables.
dim arr() string
dim ch char()
dim delimstring string = ","
dim varlist variables
dim strbrand string
dim strbusinessdate string
dim strstore string
public sub new()
ch = delimstring.tochararray()
end sub
public overrides sub postexecute()
.vbrand = strbrand
.vbusinessdate = strbusinessdate
.vstore = strstore
end with
end sub
public overrides sub input0_processinputrow(byval row input0buffer)
dim rowvalues string = row.column0.replace("""", "")
dim rowvalues1 string = row.column1.replace("""", "")
arr = rowvalues1.split(ch)
select case rowvalues.trim()
case "date"
strbusinessdate = rowvalues1.trim()
exit select
case "company number"
strbrand = rowvalues1.trim()
exit select
case "store"
strstore = rowvalues1.trim()
exit select
end select
row.businessdate = formatdate(strbusinessdate)
row.storecode = padzero(strstore)
row.brand = strbrand
end sub
and giving me error of
[transformed tlog format table format [55]] error: system.nullreferenceexception: object reference not set instance of object.
@ microsoft.sqlserver.dts.pipeline.scriptcomponenthost.handleuserexception(exception e)
@ microsoft.sqlserver.dts.pipeline.scriptcomponenthost.postexecute()
@ microsoft.sqlserver.dts.pipeline.managedcomponenthost.hostpostexecute(idtsmanagedcomponentwrapper100 wrapper)
what problem?
hi todd,
i test code again time removed variables , leave string. works now.
thanks opinion.
SQL Server > SQL Server Integration Services
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