Step by Step Instructions of loading Excel into SSIS via OLE Data Source Microsoft.ACE instead of Excel connection manager


i have large excel workbook need load ssis. using default excel connection manager ssis seems load entire work sheet memory before performing operation after setting imex=1 within connection string.

can provide me step step instructions on how use  ole data source microsoft.ace please?

i've found link; -

which looks useful.

since have excel 2010 data source tried; -

data source=c:\poc\poc_data_source\my.xlsx;provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;extended properties="excel 12.0 xml;hdr=yes ;imex=1";
connection test successfully. ssis still seems loading entire work sheet memory before starting data load.

kind regards,


kieran patrick wood

what registry setting typeguessrows?

mcse sql server 2012 - please mark posts answered appropriate.

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Integration Services


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