Full text Problems


hi all, english bad, try explain...

when put string

and contains (pg.generictitlefulltxt,'"* dias *" , "* que *"and "* abalaram *" , "* mundo * "')

in query, results show up.... put " * o * " in search string , not shows ..something linke

and contains (pg.generictitlefulltxt,'"* dias *" , "* que *"and "* abalaram *" , "* o * " , * mundo * "')

all conditions "and" exists....in catalog have string

dias que abalaram o mundo

many times..bu if put "o" in search ...not shows nothing...


i droped catalog, indexes..rebuild..etc...


anyone can me ?



first of all, should leave blank before , after words, word breaker has broken words in database small pieces can recognized. if words searching single words should leave * signs due same reasons mentioned above.

jens k. suessmeyer


SQL Server  >  SQL Server Database Engine


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