Database in restoring state - Can I browse data?

i playing around log shipping , cant find anywhere... can browse data if database in restoring state.. (read only).

if put database out of of state (restore database <dbname> recovery;) can not put back, right?


can please write example how can switch that?

microsoft msdn  / technet web sites contains many samples:

restore database backup description:

restore syntax:


restore database mydatabase disk='c:\demo.bak' norecovery go -- restore log backups. restore log mydatabase disk='c:\demo1.trn' norecovery go -- standby db not accessable restore log mydatabase disk='c:\demo2.trn' standby go -- standby db accessable readonly

  • restore recovery default behavior leaves database ready use rolling uncommitted transactions. additional transaction logs cannot restored. select option if restoring of necessary backups now.

  • restore norecovery leaves database non-operational, , not roll uncommitted transactions. additional transaction logs can restored. database cannot used until recovered.

  • restore standby leaves database in read-only mode. undoes uncommitted transactions, saves undo actions in standby file recovery effects can reverted.

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