Som obscurity with related entities load

my model:


i try entity "entitytype" with referenced collections(entitymetadata, entitypartclrtype).

in this way:

            var objectcontext = new metadataentities();

            var entitytype = objectcontext.entitytype.include("entitymetadata")
                .first(et => et.tag == "buildingorganizationstype");


all work correctly. entity and inside collections loaded.

when realize in rias

server side service:

    public class entitymetadataservice : linqtoentitiesdomainservice<metadataentities>

        public iqueryable<entitytype> getentitytypebytag(string entitytypetag)
            return context.entitytype.include("entitymetadata")
                .where(et => et.tag == entitytypetag);

client side code:

        public static entitytype loadentitymetadata(string entitytag, entitytypeloaded callbacktarget)
            var context = new entitymetadatacontext();
            context.load(context.getentitytypebytagquery(entitytag), mergeoption.overwritecurrentvalues,
               onentitytypeloaded, callbacktarget);

            return null;

        private static void onentitytypeloaded(loadoperation<entitytype> loadoperation)
            if (loadoperation.userstate != null &&
                typeof (entitytypeloaded).isassignablefrom(loadoperation.userstate.gettype()))

                ((entitytypeloaded) loadoperation.userstate).invoke(


i have loaded root entity "entitytype", referenced collections empty

what wrong?





have added [include] attribute in metadata?

Silverlight  >  WCF RIA Services with Silverlight


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