how to find words between two words in a string


how find words  between 2 words in string in sql

eg 1 word "users" , second word " name1 " in given string

how find "test" in given string

i tried this

declare @str varchar(max)
set @str='dear  afolabi dare fatai  1 of our users test name1 looking cyber description : dsfs.'
select substring (@str,5,9)


thanks in advance

try this

declare @str varchar(max)
set @str='dear  afolabi dare fatai  1 of our users test name1 looking cyber description : dsfs.'
select ltrim(rtrim(substring(@str , charindex('users',@str) +len('users'),charindex('name1',@str) - (charindex('users',@str) +len('users')) ) ))

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