Page break after N rows

i developing report render 150,000 records. can understand may big report requirement such , multiple heads working on excel tabs once exported. whenever have more 50,000 records (aprrox. rows excel spredsheet can handle comfortably), start breaking pages. when there 150,000 records there 3 pages in html reported , 3 tabs when exported excel. how can implement behaviour in ssrs template?


actually it's working doing following: 


  1. add parent group tablix with =ceiling((rownumber(nothing)) / 10000) expression. (10000 or whatever required no. of rows) 
  2. in page break properties of group, check box insert break between groups, leave bottom boxes un-checked
  3. optionally, may chose set hidden property true text boxes added because of new parent group.
  4. in tablix properties, check box "keep on 1 page".

if report appears broken, try deleting sort expression associated newly added parent group.



SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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