Customizing Work Item Types: Putting a label on a work item form without a control

here's tricky thing. want put label, explanation of on work item form. can't find way achieve looking @ entire list of available elements. has every felt similar need , found solution this. here's pro forma of layout snipped work item type defintion i'm envisioning.

i have added labe type control i'd alabel. thing doesn't exist of course, the rest of it is pro forma in fact have form 4 columns , text field in each , want embracing label describe 4 columns.

 <group label="progress">
              <column percentwidth="100">
                    <column percentwidth="100">
                        <control label="the 4 fields below ... blah blah." type="label"/>
                      <column percentwidth="24">
                        <group label="1">
                          <column percentwidth="100">
                            <control .../>
                      <column percentwidth="1"/>
                      <column percentwidth="24">
                        <group label="2">
                          <column percentwidth="100">
                            <control .../>
                      <column percentwidth="1"/>
                      <column percentwidth="24">
                        <group label="3">
                          <column percentwidth="100">
                            <control .../>
                      <column percentwidth="1"/>
                      <column percentwidth="24">
                        <group label="4">
                          <column percentwidth="100">
                            <control fieldname="sonardata.scheduling.docoqacompletedwork" type="fieldcontrol" label=" " labelposition="left"/>

your insights appreciated.

i thinking maybe way go create custom work item control called "label", that, has no other features. done such thing? seen such thing? vs2008 have improvements here? missing something.
project manager, manager of support, quality assurance , documentation

such cases work around use follwoing 2 approaches:-
approach (1)
1- add new field defenition and use allowedvalues rule, make 1 list item details want.
2- use default rule, make default value in list item.
3- use required rule no 1 can empty list.
3- in layout section, label field hint or whatever.
4- text want add more 100 percent length of control , appears chopped, in allowed values list if click on text expand in tool tip control , full text appear.
in feilds section
<field type="string" name="add feild name here" refname="add ref here">
          <listitem value="add text here" />
        <default from="value" value="add same text here" />
        <required />
in layout section
<control fieldname="add ref here" type="fieldcontrol" label="hint:" labelposition="left" />
-------------------------------------- end of approach (1)
approach (2)
1- add new field definition, use default rule, make default value , paste text want in value attrivute.
2- in layout section add field, label field hint or whatever.
3- make type attribute equals to htmlfieldcontrol
4- make readonly attribute equals true
in fields section
<fielddefinition type="string" name="add name here" refname="add ref here">
  <default from="value" value="add text here" />
in lauoyt section
<control fieldname="add ref here" type="htmlfieldcontrol" label="hint:" labelposition="left" readonly="true" />
-------------------------------- end of approach (2)
quality assurance engineer

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