How can set usercontrol's template in xaml

 how can set usercontrol's template in xaml, xaml this:

<usercontrol x:class="silverlightdemo.usercontrols.testcontrol"
    width="400" height="300">
        <controltemplate targettype="local:testcontrol">
            <grid x:name="layoutroot" background="white">
                    <vsm:visualstategroup x:name="commonstates">
                        <vsm:visualstate x:name="mouseover">
                                <objectanimationusingkeyframes duration="00:00:00" storyboard.targetname="rectangletest" storyboard.targetproperty="(rectangle.fill)">
                                    <discreteobjectkeyframe keytime="00:00:00">
                                            <solidcolorbrush color="black"></solidcolorbrush>
                <rectangle x:name="rectangletest" fill="red"></rectangle>

but runtime give error -> invalid attribute value local:testcontrol property targettype


you dont need set template add visualstates!!

try putting same visualstates in template inside grid (layoutroot) element of usercontrol!same thing hehe ;)

code-behind of usercontrol write either
visualstatemanager.gotostate(layoutroot, "awesome");
visualstatemanager.gotostate(this, "awesome");
vsmanager traverses visual tree until finds element has visualstates defined.

Silverlight  >  Programming Silverlight with .NET – General


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