How to reduce the record on the basis of Time if the minimum 2 minutes duration in SQL Server 2014
i have table following data
(id, date ,time)
11 2015/8/1 12:20:00
11 2015/8/1 12:21:00
11 2015/8/1 18:05:20
12 2015/8/1 11:20:00
12 2015/8/1 11:21:00
12 2015/8/1 18:10:20
i need table following record only
(id, date ,time)
11 2015/8/1 12:20:00
11 2015/8/1 18:05:20
12 2015/8/1 11:20:00
12 2015/8/1 18:10:20
any suggestion anywhere me
according thread title, in case, rows time less 2 minutes later previous row should excluded each id , date, right? please see below sample. stefan data.
if have question, feel free let me know.declare @sample table ( id int , [date] date , [time] time ); insert @sample values ( 11, '2015/8/1', '12:20:00' ), ( 11, '2015/8/1', '12:21:00' ), ( 11, '2015/8/1', '18:05:20' ), ( 12, '2015/8/1', '11:20:00' ), ( 12, '2015/8/1', '11:21:00' ), ( 12, '2015/8/1', '18:10:20' );
declare @sample table
id int ,
[date] date ,
[time] time
insert @sample
values ( 11, '2015/8/1', '12:20:00' ),
( 11, '2015/8/1', '12:21:00' ),
( 11, '2015/8/1', '18:05:20' ),
( 12, '2015/8/1', '11:20:00' ),
( 12, '2015/8/1', '11:21:00' ),
( 12, '2015/8/1', '18:10:20' );
;with cte as(
select id,date,time,lag(time) over(partition id,date order time) nexttm @sample
select id,[date],[time] cte nexttm null or datediff(minute,nexttm,time)>2
eric zhang
technet community support
SQL Server > SQL Server Data Access
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