SSRS 2005 Report Error in 2008 #Error

i in middle of large project migrating ssrs 2005 reports ssrs 2008 r2.  has gone extremely hit huge roadblock i've been trying debug past 2 days.  help!!!  caveat did not develop of these reports.

i have report runs flawlessly on our current 2005 report server when run in either visual studio 2008, report builder 3.0 or 2008 report server (against exact same data source - ssas 2005 cube), of cells on report show #error.

the report rather complex , set of 6 tablixes contain drilldown capability.  many of textboxes in vs have warning [rsruntimeerrorinexpression] value expression textrun 'textbox127.paragraphs[0].textruns[0]' contains error:  input string not in correct format'.  have been able find stop gap solutions of these textboxes not of them involve type casting of metrics within expression in textboxes same data type.

i don't want rewrite report because complex.  have googled until i'm blue in face , cant find example of having specific issue.  if has clue, please let me know.  i'm hoping there global setting can change affect report.


look @ expression these error textboxes. if doing summing, make sure both true , false value of same datatype. example, if want sum amount (in money datatype) if value field < 5, use these:

=sum(iif(fields!test.value < 5,cdbl(fields!amount.value),cdbl(0)))

good luck

think out of box

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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