EF CTP 5 Incompatible with EF 4.1.


the project broken.

don,t try lots problem now. ef 5

using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;
using ifsolutionfx.data;
using ifsolutionfx.model;

namespace ifsolutionfx.sql
    [system.diagnostics.codeanalysis.suppressmessage("ifsolution.design", "ca1063:implementidisposablecorrectly",
        justification = "inherited idbcontext interface, exists support using.")]
    public partial class ifsolutionfxdbcontext : dbcontext, iunitofwork
        /// <summary>
        /// method sets database appropriately available model objects.
        /// method sets data tier. 
        /// shared or model level requirements (data validations, etc) on model objects themselves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelbuilder">the model builder object creating data model.</param>
        protected override void onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder)

        private void setupargroupcodeentity(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder)
            modelbuilder.entity<argroupcode>().haskey(a => a.argroupid);
            modelbuilder.entity<argroupcode>().property(a => a.argroupid).hasmaxlength(15);
            modelbuilder.entity<argroupcode>().property(a => a.argroupname).hasmaxlength(50);

        /// <summary>
        /// gets or sets database set of allowed argroupcodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>an entity set of strings</value>
        public dbset<argroupcode> argroupcodes { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// allows saving changes via iunitofwork interface.
        /// </summary>
        public new void savechanges()



error 1 the type or namespace name 'infrastructure' not exist in namespace 'system.data.entity' (are missing assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\repositoryinitializer.cs 6 26 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 2 the type or namespace name 'dbcontext' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\dropcreatealwayssqlinitializer.cs 15 105 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 3 the type or namespace name 'dbcontext' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\createifnotexistssqlinitializer.cs 16 106 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 4 the type or namespace name 'dbcontext' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\dropcreateifmodelchangessqlinitializer.cs 18 26 ifsolutionfx.fsql
warning 5 the referenced assembly "dotnetopenauth" not resolved because has dependency on "system.web, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" not in targeted framework ".netframework,version=v4.0,profile=client". please remove references assemblies not in targeted framework or consider retargeting project. ifsolutionfx.desktop
warning 6 the referenced assembly "dotnetopenauth" not resolved because has dependency on "system.web.extensions, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" not in targeted framework ".netframework,version=v4.0,profile=client". please remove references assemblies not in targeted framework or consider retargeting project. ifsolutionfx.desktop
warning 7 the referenced assembly "dotnetopenauth" not resolved because has dependency on "system.web.routing, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" not in targeted framework ".netframework,version=v4.0,profile=client". please remove references assemblies not in targeted framework or consider retargeting project. ifsolutionfx.desktop
warning 8 the referenced assembly "dotnetopenauth" not resolved because has dependency on "system.web.mobile, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" not in targeted framework ".netframework,version=v4.0,profile=client". please remove references assemblies not in targeted framework or consider retargeting project. ifsolutionfx.desktop
error 9 metadata file 'e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\bin\debug\ifsolutionfx.sql.dll' not found e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.desktop\csc ifsolutionfx.desktop
error 10 the type or namespace name 'database' not exist in namespace 'system.data.entity' (are missing assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\sqlinitializer.cs 8 26 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 11 the type or namespace name 'idatabaseinitializer' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\sqlinitializer.cs 16 47 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 12 the type or namespace name 'dbcontext' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\sqlinitializer.cs 16 81 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 13 the type or namespace name 'dbcontext' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\sqlinitializer.cs 45 26 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 14 the type or namespace name 'dbcontext' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\sqlinitializer.cs 45 57 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 15 the type or namespace name 'dbcontext' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\initializers\sqlinitializer.cs 54 32 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 16 the type or namespace name 'dbcontext' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\ifsolutionfxdbcontext.cs 12 50 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 17 the type or namespace name 'dbmodelbuilder' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\ifsolutionfxdbcontext.cs 20 49 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 18 the type or namespace name 'dbmodelbuilder' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\ifsolutionfxdbcontext.cs 25 45 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 19 the type or namespace name 'dbset' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\ifsolutionfxdbcontext.cs 36 16 ifsolutionfx.fsql
error 20 'object' not contain definition 'savechanges' e:\fxsolution\ifsolutionfx\ifsolutionfx.sql\ifsolutionfxdbcontext.cs 43 18 ifsolutionfx.fsql

correct, ef ctp5 not compatible wcf ria services's ef 4.1 support, announced when both released.

Silverlight  >  WCF RIA Services with Silverlight


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