Database 'xxx' on server 'yyy' is not currently available almost every day...


how should expect have above error on working database? found microsoft employee comment saying should take 8 seconds never close...

i ask because our experience error happens every day, 2-3 times in row.  from our experience never took less 20s , many times 1 minute, more. understand considered transient error , have retries in place, in dynamic world cannot expect have transient error retries on minute? nobody waits long.

or last "transient" error on 1 of s3 database took 2.5minute. saw in comments on forum not 1 having such long waits. sla 99.99%, 4 minutes of downtime in month. losing users if happens every day, on 100 req/s on frontend visible thousands of users on every occasion...

the second thing. wrong on sql db logic, error saying there no db on server name not have , never had... example: 'c87ea20397ca' (tracing id of '{5b1683b3-d1f8-4a0a-bb41-2215fd7c4f09}', today 19:08 utc).

i know jan responded on there work on it, 2 weeks passes , no improvement. if break monthly sla after 2 days should have higher priority :)



hi rafal,

we suggest open support case requires server details , requires more time. requires logs server different times.


girish prajwal

Microsoft Azure  >  Azure SQL Database


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