Join Multivalue Parameter Values Into a String and LTrim Whitespace


in reports print values of paramters used generate report @ top of reports.

i've written report usuing mdx , 1 of parameters multivalue list based on hierachy. problem have when join parameter label values it's bringing through indenting preceeding whitespace. i've been struggling while try , trim off

anyone have suggestions??

=join(parameters.sites.label,", ")

results in

  head office,      branch 1,            subbranch 1 etc

if put =join(ltrim(parameters.sites.label),", ") error

overload resolution failed because no accessible 'join' can called these arguments



after bit more searching clear wasn't going possible directly functions expression editor instead used custom code as described in post


public function jointrim(myarray as object) as string    dim returnstring as string, item as string, firstitem as boolean = true    for each item in myarray   if firstitem = true    returnstring = trim(item)   else    returnstring = returnstring + ", " + trim(item)   end if   firstitem = false  next item    return returnstring    end function  


you obvioulsy modify adding additional input paramter can specify delimiter 1 hard coded ", "

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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