Unable to referencing an Image in XAML from other assembly

i have silverlight lib contains bitmaps (in "images" sub-directory)  in project ("myproject"), include custom usercontrol ("mycontentzone") other assembly ("mytools")     
<usercontrol x:class="mynamespace.myproject"               xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"                xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"                xmlns:contentzone="clr-namespace:mytools;assembly=mytools">        <contentzone:mycontentzone x:name="myzone">          <contentzone:mycontentzone.controls>              <image x:name="mypicto"                      source="images/myimage.png"/>                           </contentzone:devicepanel_contentzone.controls>      </contentzone:devicepanel_contentzone>  </usercontrol>      
  (note : mycontentzone.controls main canvas of usercontrol used include specific components) in visual studio viewer, see result hope... when run project, image not displayed try specify assembly in xaml :  
<image x:name="mypicto"          source="images/myimage.png"/>  
<image x:name="mypicto"          source="myproject;component/images/myimage.png"/>   
  have same result if place image in custom usercontrol project ("mytools"), work fine... (my image displayed) goal keep images in main project missed what... idea ?


Silverlight  >  Programming Silverlight with .NET – General


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